Hye, harini admin nak perkenalkan satu produk injection yang selebriti sekarang ramai dah guna untuk kesihatan kulit. Kulit akan lebih cerah, putih , tanpa cela dalam hanya sebulan!
Kelebihan produk injection ni 5 kali ganda lebih berkesan berbanding produk oral (makan pil/minum serbuk kolagen). Hal ini kerana bahan aktif Glutathione dan kolagen directly masuk ke saluran darah dan terus melakukan kerja. So kadar resapan adalah maksimum !!!!
Produk ini telah diguna pakai di klinik2 kesihatan dan kosmetik dan diyakini selamat tanpa kesan sampingan. Yes, doktor2 di klinik juga mengambil produk ini daripada kami.
Detail Glutax 5Gs micro

- 6 ampul 5ml
- 6 ampul 2ml
- 6 Vial Serbuk
- Ascorbic Acid 1500 mg
- Collagen 350 mg
- Vitamin E 300 mg
- Pro Vitamin B3 250 mg
- Pro Vitamin B5 100 mg
- Glutathione 5000 mg
- Alpha Lipoic Acid 200 mg
Origin : Italy
Now, a fairer and whiter, pimple and acne free complexion can be yours! Your beauty is in your hands, do not wait more, feel and see the difference in 4 weeks…! A smoother, clearer, flawless, younger, and whiter skin within, from inside-out..! Whiten the skin faster and faster. call/whatapp/text 0189044556-amiroul
Glutax 5Gs : Glutathione content of the highest in the market
Manfaat Glutax 5GS Micro:
- Kompresi molekul memungkinkan penyerapan lebih maximal
- Memutihkan kulit
- Menghilangkan flek-flek hitam pada kulit
- Membantu penyembuhan jerawat
- Mempercepat penyembuhan luka
- Menjaga kelembaban kulit
- Sifat antioksidan melindungi kulit dari radikal bebas penyebab penuaan
- Wanita Hamil dan menyusui
- Alergi terhadap vitamin jenis apapun
- Pasien dengan masalah kardiovaskular
Informasi Tambahan
Jumlah Sesi | 6 Sesi |
Metode Pemakaian | Intra Vena |
Frekuensi | Seminggu 1x |
Berat (kg) | 0.4500 |
Anda hanya perlu ke klinik dan membawa botol (ampoules) GLUTAX 5GS. Pastikan doktor di klinik tersebut menawarkan perkhidmatan suntikan vitamin terlebih dahulu, kerana tak semua doktor pandai mencari saluran darah di lengan. Caj suntikan hanya dalam RM 10-20.Dosis dan aturan pakai Glutax 5GS Mirco:
Recommended Dosage 5Gs Micro:
This product Glutax 5Gs is administered by intravenously (IV) or intramuscular (IM) Not Suitable For:
- Breast feeder.
- Injection on women period.
- Allergy to vitamin (any kind).
- Pregnant woman
- Patient with cardiovascular problem Vitamin B3 or niacin is very important in maintaining healthy skin and proper blood circulation . It also has significant effects in maintaining normal nerve and brain function, enhancing memory as well as in the proper digestion and absorption of carbohydrates, fats and proteins. The most renowned of all the benefits of Vitamin B3 is its significant effect in lewering and controlling cholestrol. The other benefits of niacin ranges from its relieving effect on schizophrenia to its soothing effect on arthritis and almost everything else in between.
Vitamin B5 also called pantothenic acid is a water soluble nutrient essential for good health, Vitamin B5 may be useful in treating acre soothing burns and irritation and in speeding the recovery of minor skin wounds. Study on skin disorders found that topical B5 combats aging and acre by improving skin hydration maintaining skin elasticity, and increasing skin softness. The study also suggested that B5 has anti-inflammatory properties, making it useful in the treatment of skin scaling, roughness and dryness.
GLUTAX 5GS memang berkesan!!! Contact /whatsapp/text 0189044556-amiroul untuk dapatkan Glutax 5Gs pada harga murah dan rendah!